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Fusion Access Control Management

Fusion Suite provides a robust access control system that allows workspace owners and administrators to manage user roles and permissions effectively. This system is designed to ensure that the right users have the appropriate access to the right features, enhancing both security and productivity within the workspace.

User Ownership and Roles

Account Ownership
  • When users sign up, they automatically become the account owner.
  • Ownership is non-transferable; only one person can be the owner of the account at any given time.
  • The owners can invite others as well.
Default Roles
  • Fusion Suite provides two default roles:
    1. WorkSpace Admin
    2. WorkSpace Member
  • These roles come with predefined permissions, which can be viewed, by clicking on the role.
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Customized Role Creation
  • Admins have the ability to create customized roles tailored to their specific needs.
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Delete Role
  • The customised roles can be deleted by any member with relevant permissions.
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User Invitation and Role Assignment
  • Users can be invited to the project according to the package plan.
  • During the invitation process, only one role can be assigned to each member.
  • The assigned roles and their access to projects will be visible to the admin.
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Remove from Project
  • A person can be removed from the project. Removing this person will permanently remove them, along with their associated data.
  • Image 2
Edit Role
  • Admins can modify role permissions
  • Image 2

Feature and Subitem Coverage

Fusion Suite's access control allows for granular control over features and subitems. This ensures that users have the necessary permissions to interact with specific parts of the application.

Feature Coverage
  • Roles can be assigned to cover specific features such as Bugs, Crashes, Surveys, Insights, etc.
  • The scope of permissions can include actions like viewing, creating, editing, or deleting items within these features.
Subitem Coverage
  • Permissions can also be extended to subitems within features.
  • For example, within the "Bugs" feature, a role might have access to change status permission

Role Permissions

  • The following permissions are available for roles in the current version of Fusion Suite
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